Descargar PDF Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience de Simon Zutshi PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
LIBRO Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience de Simon Zutshi PDF ePub
Reseña del editor In the 10th Anniversary edition of this No.1 Best Selling property book, experienced property investor Simon Zutshi will share with you some of the secrets behind his Property Mastermind Programme, so that you can learn how to build a property portfolio and replace your income, using other people’s time, money and experience. The book is designed to open your mind and stimulate your thinking to make you aware of some of the current possibilities available to you in the world of property investing. It is packed full of inspirational case studies to help build your personal belief of what you could achieve, in a relatively short amount of time, by investing in property. Although this book is focused on investing in the UK property market, the concept of finding and helping motivated sellers to reach an ethical win/win solution, works in every property market all over the world. You can build your personal wealth whilst helping other people solve their property problems. BiografÃa del autor Simon Zutshi is a financially independent, professional property investor with two decades of experience investing in residential property in the UK and overseas. Simon started investing in 1995 when, as a first time buyer and a recent graduate in debt, he found a strategy to purchase his first property (his own home) using none of his own money. By renting out the spare rooms, he was able to cover the mortgage payments and effectively live for free! Caught by the property bug, Simon started to buy more property and, by the age of 32, he was financially independent due to the passive income generated from his property portfolio. In 2003, Simon founded the Property Investors' Network, which is now a nationwide organisation, to provide a supportive environment for investors to learn more about investing, with the aim of maximising their return and minimising the risks. Simon now spends most of his time helping and educating other investors by sharing his 'hands on experience' gained over many years as a successful investor. He is one of the few property speakers in the UK who is a member of the Professional Speakers Association. In April 2007, Simon launched his Property Mastermind Programme, a 12-month mentoring programme designed to help you acquire an extra £1m of property, bringing you an annual pro t in excess of £50k. Due to the accelerated learning techniques and supportive environment, many of the delegates on each programme achieve this goal in as little as 12 months.
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